Easy Seekers

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes!! Experienced or not, the best way to show up for a session is with a beginner’s mind. If you are sensitive to this energy, it has nothing to do with experience, Kundalini activation is feeling, it is not knowing. All you have to do is relax and have an open mind.
Online sessions are not much different from in-person sessions. Some are more comfortable relaxing and receiving energy in a group setting while others are more comfortable at home. This can affect the intensity felt during a session. Some people find the online energy slightly gentler, while others find it just as powerful. Beginners may need more than one session to practice online rather than in person.

There are a range of things that can happen after a Kundalini activation session, including early and later signs of kundalini awakening. The sessions offered come from an energetic lineage that contains a wide range of frequencies beneficial for higher states of consciousness and spiritual growth in addition to traditional Kundalini signs/symptoms. This process removes energetic blockages and connects you to your higher self/source, it will be experienced differently by each individual.

The sessions do not replace medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. This process is primarily aimed at spiritual growth and deepening consciousness. However, many students report physical healings early on, after just one or a few sessions. But of course, this is not guaranteed nor is it the primary objective.
The practice is not recommended for people prone to mania, delirium, or psychosis. The sessions are contraindicated for people prone to epilepsy, with severe heart diseases. As this process will increase your ability to feel, you will need to be able to manage the emotional process between sessions. If this proves too difficult to manage alone, we recommend that you do not continue with the sessions. Sessions are accessible from 18 years old.

If you are pregnant and in your third trimester, we recommend waiting until after birth to continue transmissions. Before the third trimester (7-9 months), you can attend provided that you feel well and can easily participate in activities such as gym activities or yoga, for example. Always inform your facilitator that you are pregnant before a session. It is the client’s responsibility to know their individual limits as recommended by their doctor and to know positions to avoid that may be harmful to the mother or baby.

Yes. Many participants report that the sessions helped them combat their anxiety/depression. Just be aware that if you take antidepressants, you may be less sensitive to energy.

In order to have maximum energy available for the session, it is recommended not to eat at least three hours before the session, and preferably fruits and vegetables before, drinking plenty of water the same day. The lighter you come, the better. Avoid coffee/tea on the day of the session. For 24 hours before the session, do not consume any kind of drugs and avoid alcohol.

There are no rules, it will depend on everyone’s reactions during and after the sessions. But also what it brings you and how far you want to go. The important thing is to listen to your intuition, your body, and your energy, to know how many sessions to practice. The more we expose ourselves to energy, the greater the changes in our lives. One session can already bring benefits and begin a transformation, but the people who see the most change are the people who come to several sessions and work with the energy regularly.

Again there are no rules. The important thing is to listen to your own rhythm and respect an integration time after a session which can vary from one individual to another. To know when the time is right to participate in a session again, just listen to yourself. It is recommended to do a maximum of one session per week.

There is no specific number of sessions that you have to do. Each person has a different rhythm, and integrates the sessions differently. The important thing is to listen to your intuition, your body, and your energy, to know how many sessions to practice.

The more we work with energy, the more wonderful results we have in our lives.

One session can already bring benefits, but the people who see the most changes are people who have come to several sessions and work with the energy regularly.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, send a message by filling out the form above. I will respond upon receipt.