Easy Seekers

Kundalini Activation

Some view this practice as a cathartic experience or something that gives them profound realisations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do occur with Kundalini Activation sessions, yoga and kundalini healing.

Activate your Life force energy & Chakra Activation. Increase your potential.

Kundalini Activation sessions

They increase your well-being in a natural way, blockages are released, awaken yoga and you experience more happiness and joy!

Whether you’re looking to improve your personal life or looking for more inner connection, the energy will always give you exactly what you need and are ready for.
Kundalini Activation Process (chercheurs)

Group Sessions

Organized in Paris, Marseille, Nice, Toulon and Lausanne. Go to the reservation page to check the next dates.

Private Sessions

I propose private sessions according to your needs. Whether solo, as a couple or in a group, you can contact me to discuss about what you are looking for.

Corporate Services

Give your employees and partners the opportunity to live an extraordinary experience. I adapt to your needs and project and together we can tailor your event.

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Types of formats offered

Kundalini Activation sessions & yoga sessions online can be done in different ways because we are all unique and have different needs. Depending on your preferences, availability or expectations, a format will be more suited to what you are looking for.

Group and private sessions

In-person open class sessions in groups or private yoga classes online (solo, couple or small group).


Kundalini yoga online, Virtual sessions work just as well as in-person sessions.

One or two day immersions

Intensive yoga sessions online one or two-day immersions with two sessions per day for those who wish to go further in their process.

Spiritual Meditation

About Aurelie

I will support you throughout your process.

Kundalini Energy Activation turned my life upside down in 2020, since then I have been at the service to help you discover it and accompany you in a process that will (re-)connect you to what you are deep within yourself.

Kundalini Activation Benefits


More energy on a daily basis, regulated nervous systems, reduction of stress and tension, return to full stress potential.

Best Choices

Healthier food and lifestyle choices, stopping toxic habits, returning to what is important, greater ability to discern what is good or bad for us.

Emotional Well-Being

Release of suppressed emotional well being and traumas, ability to say no, detachment from certain situations and people, emotions easier to manage.

Healthier Relationships

Greater connection to ourself and what we want, connection to others and our environment, emotional in health, greater ability to know what we want and express it.

Physical Well-Being

Feeling of general well-being, better quality of sleep, greater connection to our body and sensations, health anxiety & balanced energy levels.

Heightened Consciousness

Growing intuition, developing spiritual dimension, meditation spiritual yoga, highlighting and understanding repetitive patterns, conditioning or limiting beliefs, greater perspective on life and what we want.

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