Easy Seekers

Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation sessions are an energetic experience that helps you reconnect and reclaim your full potential.

Activate your vital energy with Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation sessions are a transmission of life force energy and non-dual state of consciousness that activates the Kundalini awakening process.

The sessions allow us to awaken this Kundalini activation techniques energy which is often dormant in each of us. Once activated, a profound rewiring of the brain and nervous system takes place with continued exposure.

During a session, spontaneous movements may occur. Some view it as a cathartic experience or something that gives them profound realisations. But these are just some of the side effects that can occur.

Kundalini Activation Techniques

What happens during chakra activation a session

Kundalini Meditation Practices

You lie down on a yoga mat, close your eyes. Music is played. I may touch or press certain meridian points on your body.

That’s all. This is how a session goes from the outside.

What’s going on inside is a whole different story…

During a session you may feel the kundalini energy awakening and flowing in different ways. Possible manifestations on different levels:

Kinesthetically: spasms, involuntary movements, mudras, yoga positions…

Energetically: cold, hot, tingling, feeling of heaviness, yawning…

Emotionally: laughter, tears, screams, deep state of well-being, joy…

Visually: bright lights, strobes, colours, images, visions, people…

By kundalini spiritual awakening symptoms your life force during sessions, you can experience a cleansing of blocked emotions and somatised trauma in your body.

With continued exposure, this practice allows you to balance your energy centers and increase your ability to feel more.

Everyone will kundalini awakening experience it in their own unique way; energy provides exactly what we need at the given moment but also what we are ready to receive from it.

Here are some examples of what can happen when you practice regularly:

panic attack treatment

These transmissions are one of the most powerful ways to put yourself back into your power. It takes you right back to who you really are and you will remember what you deeply want.